Dress how you like, but dress with taste…

Ibiza has a wise slogan…we can’t think of a slogan with a concept so wise and free with respect to fashion as this, so free that it even challenges fashion itself…

In Ibiza, the “Dress as you like” is a reality, of good taste, and of bad taste, because bad taste is unavoidable, and only subjective…

…here everybody dresses as they like and as they can…it’s one of the charms of Ibiza, not to live under the pressure of a fashion or a trend, and be free, completely free to choose the character and the fantasy that anyone wants to add to their clothing with the real essence and spirit of the textual words of this slogan…

Natural Ibiza…, without patterns, without haute couture, without remedies…as free as Ibiza itself…

Ibiza’s colour of freedom is the colour of peace, Ibiza dresses in an almost blinding white that shines from here to the far reaches of the world, a white like a constellation of stars, like salt, like a bare bulb in the dark of night, lighting up a Mediterranean home…

When you arrive in Ibiza, the colour white gets into the pores of your skin as a reflection of all the colours in one, and then you take off all those clothes that are too tight, you get rid of all those pins that stick into your flesh and you look at yourself in the mirror and you see how the reflection of those colours appears in your old skin and you’re suddenly rejuvenated…

Who takes what off…any of these days it’ll occur to us all to agree to go out dressed in white, without worrying what month it is, or the weather, or what’s in fashion…and from here, from this magical island we transmit and demand peace, respect and justice for the whole world…

Fashion, like all creation, transforms in evolution and in popular culture, fashion is part of a language and its place, that’s why from now on we feel like wearing white, even if its only a handkerchief in a pocket, for when we need to take it out and wave it like an “UC”* as a sign of peace.

Cycles repeat themselves, and fashions are slaves to trends and tendencies, and nowadays the tendency is to create and to recycle…and to keep talking of peace.


*UC: a high pitched yell, something like the yodel of the Tyrol, with which the peasants of Ibiza used to communicate from house to house.
( i yatuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…… )