Full moon night time walks

…take a walk holding hands with the full moon…
…the pathway lit by its silver glow opens up before us, there is no need for talk, no reason to run, one by one or in pairs the long line of walkers make our way between trees, we look like nomads looking for a place to settle, dreaming of reaching our own secluded spot, away from everybody and everything, a place that can serve us as a starting point for another journey…
Saturday 25th August. Route San José – San Antonio


The departure is on Saturday at 21:00 hrs from the new bus station in San Antonio.  The inscription fee is of 6 euros and includes bus transport, snack and refreshment and support vehicle.

Following this outing there are two more planned on the following dates:
-Saturday 29th September.  Route San Juan – Santa Eulalia
-Saturday 27th October.  Route San Rafael – Ibiza.

More information in www.ibizasport.com

Photo gallery of the route between Santa Inés and San Antonio.