The ‘Premis Baladre’ 2006 are presented in society.

 Albert Prats and Jordi Marí presented the books ‘Un hivern encapotat i atres històries’ and ‘Cel obert’, respectively, with which they won the ‘Premi Baladre’ instituted by the ‘Institut d’Estudis Eivissencs’ (The Institute for Ibizan Studies).

The work of the former is made up of different short stories, whereas that of the latter is a collection of poems.  Both these writers’ works have been on sale since this last St. George’s Day (23rd April).


The ‘Institut d’Estudis Eivissencs’, by unanimous agreement of the executive committee of 18th February 1993, convokes the PREMI BALADRE , within the programmed acts of the Curs Eivissenc de Cultura (Ibizan Culture Course), which is held yearly, and which will be run by the following

1.      Only natives or residents of the Pitiüses can participate
2.      All work presented to the Premi Baladre must be of literary creation:  poetry, novel, literary essay, tale, narrative, etc.
3.      All work must be original, unpublished and written in Catalan language.
4.      The quantity of the prize is of  €1,200.  On the other hand, should the jury so consider, a special achievement award of €420 can be given.
5.      Work must be sent in triplicate to: l’Institut d’Estudis Eivissencs, carrer de Pere Francès, 12 – apartat de correus 578 -, 07800 Eivissa.  In a separate sealed envelope with only the title of the piece on the exterior must be a sheet of paper with full name, age, address and telephone number of the author.
6.      The jury is made up of three people and will resolve any case not considered in these rules to the best of their abilities.  Their verdict is final and there is no right of appeal.
7.      The prize can be declared null and void.  The prize can also be awarded ex aequo (shared by two or more contestants).
8.      The prize will be awarded publicly on the closing night of the ‘Curs Eivissenc de Cultura’.
9.      The ‘Institut d’Estudis Eivissencs’ reserves publishing rights of prize winners’ work during one year.10.  The deadline for work to be admitted is 8th October 2007.

11.   Participation in this competition presupposes acceptation of the rules.


Tel:  971 31 27 75  – 971 31 77 41

Institut d’Estudis Eivissencs
Telèfons: 971 31 27 75  – 971 31 77 41

Pere Francès 12, 1r, 2a Apartat 578, 07800 Ibiza.